Bhavana V S

PhD Student. Computer Science. Rutgers University.


I am interested in the fields of Distributed Systems, Computer Networks and Operating Systems. I am doing my PhD under Prof. Srinivas Narayana and Prof. Badri Nath in the Computer Science Department of Rutgers University. Current work is focused on building a distributed load balancer which acts on measurements available on load balancer especially when load balancer has the visibility of ongoing client traffic alone.

Previously I worked with Citrix Systems, Bangalore India. I did my Mtech. from Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati under Prof. Pradip K. Das.


  1. HotNets ’22
    Load Balancers Need In-Band Feedback Control
    Bhavana Vannarth Shobhana, Srinivas Narayana Ganapathy, and Badri Nath